Catalog No. 251
Porcelain, pottery or stoneware; etched or threaded relief; 0.5L; pewter lid.
�Im Schwarzen Walfisch zu Askalon wird kein Prophet geehrt,
und wer vergn�gt dort leben will zahlt bar was er verzehrt.�
(In the Black Whale at Ascalon no prophet is honored,
and whomever wants to live there in pleasure pays cash for what he consumes.)
Stein depicts the sixth verse from the poem �Altassyrisch� (Old Assyrian) by Josef Viktor von Scheffel (1826-1886).
Master stein is also numbered 251. Five other drinking steins display the same model number and depict verses 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Price Ranges Etched full-color: $200-$300/ltd-color: $150-$225 Threaded relief: $75-$100