Black Whale at Ascalon (Scene 3)

Catalog No. 251

Porcelain, pottery or stoneware; etched or threaded relief; 0.5L; pewter lid.

�Im Schwarzen Walfisch zu Askalon da bracht� der Kellner Schar
in Keilschrift auf sechs Ziegelstein dem Gast die Rechnung dar.�

(In the Black Whale at Ascalon a group of waiters brought
the bill to the guest on six tiles written in cuneiform.)

Stein depicts the third verse from the poem �Altassyrisch� (Old Assyrian) by Josef Viktor von Scheffel (1826-1886).

Master stein is also numbered 251. Five other drinking steins display the same model number and depict verses 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6. See also No. 491

Price Ranges
Etched full-color: $200-$300/ltd-color: $150-$225
Threaded relief: $75-$100

HR 251
HR 251

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