“Drinker’s Fire”

Catalog No. 2091

Pottery, etched, 0.5L, inlaid lid.

“Feuersnoth is grosse Noth, oft gross der Brand beim Glas.
Der eine färbt den Himmel roth, der andere die Nas.”

(Fire is a great disaster, often great is the fire in the glass.
One colors the sky red, the other the nose.)
“O heil’ger Florian! Lass meinen Brand in Ruhe gann!
Doch strömt dein Wasser über mir! So bitt’ ich schütte nichts in’s Bier!”

(Oh, Saint Florian! Let my fire be in peace!
Pour your water over me! But please don’t pour any in the beer!)

Central image and first text string are taken from an illustration by Heinrich Schlitt (1849-1923), part of an 1890 mural that once graced the Wiesbaden Ratskeller, but was sadly destroyed in World War II. It depicts St. Florian, the patron saint of firefighters (and unofficial patron of drinkers), dousing the fire (heartburn?) produced by excessive drinking.

See also No. 1786.

Price Range: $350-$500

Lid Inlay
Lid Inlay
Mettlach 2091
Mettlach 2091

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