Catalog No. 1005
Stoneware; relief; 1.0L, 0.5L or 0.3L; inlaid lid.
Design attributed to Ludwig Foltz II.
Found with brown, terracotta, pink or grey background color.
An early 1.0L monochrome version also exists.
�M�ssig trinken, fr�hlich singen, half von je zu guten Dingen.�
(Drinking moderately, singing happily, have always brought good things.)
�Wein und frohes Lied, macht ein lustiges Gem�t.�
(Wine and a happy song make for a happy disposition.)
�Ein Glas beim Freund ist gut gemeint.�
(A glass with a friend is well meant.)
Master stein is No. 409.
Price Ranges 1.0L: $150-$225 0.5L: $125-$175 0.3L: $190-$125