Catalog No. 24
Pottery, relief, 1.0L or 0.5L, figural inlaid lid (acorn or dog head), scene placement varies.
Design attributed to Ludwig Foltz II.
“Kein größer Gut als froher Muth.”
(There is no greater possession than a happy disposition.)
“Nach Hetzen u. Jagen, ein Trunk mit Behagen.”
(After chasing and shooting, a drink is a pleasure.)
“Das Küssen in Ehren, dem Jäger nicht zu wehren.”
(An honorable kiss cannot be refused the hunter.)
“Uns schenkt Gott einen sanften Tod”
(God blesses us with a gentle death.)
An early half-liter version of this stein exists with the same applied relief scenes, but with varying coloration and a different lid inlay. Similarly configured steins are known to have also been produced by other factories and in some cases may be difficult to distinguish from the early Mettlach pieces.
Price Ranges 1.0L: $150-$225 0.5L: $125-$175 0.5L Early: $150-$225