Catalog No. 577
Pottery or stoneware, impressed, 0.5L, pewter lid.
�H. Renner, K�nigl. Bayer. Hoflieferant Hof I. Bayern.�
(H. Renner, Purveyors to the Royal Bavarian Court, Hof, Bavaria)
�Die Allen hilft und frohe Laune schafft.
Renners Rossbacher Bitter ist die Zauberkraft.�
(It helps all and creates a happy mood.
Renner�s Rossbacher Bitter is the magic potion.)
Johann (Hans) Renner was the owner of a distillery that operated in Hof, Bavaria from 1895 until 1937 and produced, among other things, �Rossbacher Bitter�.
According to Thewalt records, approximately 500 of these special order steins were made between 1910 and 1912 for Adolf Reiter, owner of a department store that was also located in the town of Hof.
Price Range: $75-$100