Catalog No. 311
Pottery, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.
“Wohl bekomm’s”
(To your health)
“Es lebt sich gut beim Becher,
das weiss ein jeder Zecher.”
(One lives well with a beaker,
every drinker knows that.)
Mephisto (or Mephistopheles) is a name given to the devil in German literary tradition, including most famously an appearance as a leading character in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s tragic play Faust.
Central image is taken from an illustration by Kaspar Kögler (1838-1923), part of an 1890 mural that once graced the Wiesbaden Ratskeller, but was sadly destroyed in World War II.
Price Ranges Full-color: $60-$80 Ltd-color: $50-$70