Catalog No. 946
Pottery, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.
�Auf die Kunst des Guttenberg trinkt heut noch jeder gern,
einen guten Stoff gew�rzet mit Hopf und Gerstenkern.�
(Everyone still likes to drink to the art of Gutenberg,
with the good stuff seasoned with hops and barley.)
Johannes Gutenberg (or Guttenberg, c. 1398-1468), introduced movable type printing and other innovations that allowed for mass production of printed texts in Renaissance Europe. The resultant �printing revolution� produced an era of relatively unrestricted information flow, undermining the education monopoly then enjoyed by the political and religious elite, and ultimately resulting in major societal restructuring.
Price Ranges Full-color: $75-$100 Ltd-color: $60-$80