Various Subjects

Catalog No. 23

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.

�Kde se pivo var�, tam se dobre dar�,
pojdme tam a p�me ho, a� do r�na b�l�ho.�
(Where beer is brewed, the people do well,
so let�s go and drink until the morning sunrise.)

�Maas u. Ziel, das beste Spiel.� (German)
(Measure and objective, the best game.)

This stein is currently known to exist in three versions � one featuring a rampant lion on a crowned shield (right), probably intended to represent the House of Habsburg, one of the most important royal families in Europe and the source of Holy Roman Emperors from 1438 through 1740. The other two replace the shield with text in either Czech (below left) or German (below right).

Price Range: $50-$70

RM 23
RM 23

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