Festive Drinking Scene

Catalog No. 1270

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.

�Lobe mir die alten Zeiten da man in Spelunken soff,
denn je schlechter dort die Luft war um so besser war der stoff!�

(I commend the old times when one drank in dives,
because the worse the air was there the better was the beer!)
�Dem Gl�cklichen schl�gt keine Stunde.� (recessed base only)
(Time does not strike for the fortunate.)

The central image is taken from an illustration by Heinrich Schlitt (1849-1923), part of an 1890 mural that once graced the Wiesbaden Ratskeller, but was sadly destroyed in World War II. The clock with no hands and related text around the base were part of the same Ratskeller mural.

See also No. 1551.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $60-$80
Ltd-color: $50-$70

RH 1270
RH 1270

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