Catalog No. 1256
Pottery or stoneware, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.
�Br�derchen, ergo bibamus.�
(Brothers, therefore let us drink.)
Central image is taken from an illustration by Kaspar K�gler (1838-1923), part of an 1890 mural that once graced the Wiesbaden Ratskeller, but was sadly destroyed in World War II.
Text is from a poem entitled �Ergo Bibamus�, written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1810 and set to music in 1813 by Max Eberwein.
Same model number also found on a special order version that replaces the standard central image with Polish text (below right � deduct 25%).
See also No. 1254.
Price Ranges Full-color: $90-$125 Ltd-color: $75-$100