Catalog No. 250
Pottery or stoneware, relief, 1.0L, pewter lid.
�Trink was klar ist.�
(Drink what is clear.)
�Zum Wohlsein.�
(To your health.)
�Trink nach alter deutscher Weise,
in der Freunde frohem Kreise,
lange diesen Krug noch leer.�
(Drink according to old German custom,
in the happy circle of friends,
long empty this stein.)
�Wer nicht liebt, trinkt und singt,
es nie zu wahrer Freude bringt.�
(He who does not love, drink and sing,
never achieves true happiness.)
Germania is an ancient symbol personifying the strength, unity and liberty of Germanic peoples.
Price Ranges Full-color: $90-$125 Ltd-color: $75-$100