Catalog No. 964
Pottery or stoneware, relief, 0.25L, pewter lid, text varies.
Text (known options):
�Hopfen u. Malz Gott erhalt�s.�
(Hops and malt, may God preserve them.)
�Gute Tage kosten Geld.�
(Good days cost money.)
�Froh beim Bier das lieben wir.�
(Happiness with beer, that�s what we love.)
�In durstiger Mitt, all Sorgen quitt.�
(In the midst of thirst, all worries disappear.)
�Bier oder wein eins mu� es sein.�
(Beer or wine, it must be one.)
Master stein is No. 529. See also Nos. 242, 949 and 950.
Price Ranges Full-color: $40-$60 Ltd-color: $30-$45