Catalog No. 201
Pottery or stoneware, relief, 1.0L, pewter lid, signed �GT� (Gustav Thinwibel).
�Es lebe was auf Erden stolziert in gr�ner Tracht,
die W�lder u. die Felder, die J�ger u. die Jagd.�
(Long live he who struts on earth in green apparel,
the forest and the fields, the hunter and the hunt.)
Text is the from a poem written by Wilhelm M�ller in 1822 and set to music in 1823 by Konradin Kreutzer. The opening line makes reference to the F�rster (forest ranger) and his traditional green uniform (Trachtenanzug).
See also Nos. 244, 1800, 2737 and 2863.
Price Ranges Full-color: $75-$100 Ltd-color: $60-$80