Tavern Scene with Performing Dog

Catalog No. 1339

Pottery, etched, 1.5L, inlaid lid.

�Frischer Trunk labt J�gerblut,
thut auch andern Leuten gut.�

(Cool drink refreshes hunter�s blood,
and it also does good for other people.)
�Heute wird kein Hahn mehr gespannt nehmt,
statt der B�chse, den Masskrug zu Hand.�

(Today no more hammers will be cocked,
instead of the rifle, take the beer stein in hand.)
�Was mancher Sch�tze kann vertragen,
weiss oft allein nur die Schenkin zu sagen.�

(How much some shooter can put away,
often only the innkeeper�s wife can say.)

Price Range: $150-$225

Lid Inlay
Lid Inlay
JPT 1339
JPT 1339

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