Outdoor Gathering

Catalog No. 768

Pottery, etched, 0.5L, pottery lid.

�O Menschenkind dien hoher Mut, tut in der Kneipe selten gut.�
(Oh people, your high spirits rarely do any good in a tavern.)
�Wie mancher t�t stolz herein spazieren und kroch hinaus auf allen vieren.�
(How many walked in proudly and left on all fours.)

The individual elements forming the image on this stein are take from a more elaborate scene originally painted by Heinrich Schlitt (1849-1923), part of an 1890 mural that once graced the Wiesbaden Ratskeller, but was sadly destroyed in World War II.

Price Range: $100-$150

Pottery Lid
Pottery Lid
MG 768
MG 768

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