Catalog No. 176
Pottery or stoneware, relief, 3.0L, pewter lid (shown with faceted glass inset).
�Gut Holz!�
(Good wood!)
�Wo man eifrig Kegel schiebt, ist das Trinken auch beliebt.�
(Where one enthusiastically pushes bowling pins, drinking is also popular.)
�Trifft man alle Neun, darf man Hurra schrei�n.�
(After hitting all nine, one must scream hurrah.)
The first text string (i.e., Gut Holz) is an idiomatic German expression often seen on bowling steins that effectively means �good luck�.
See also Nos. 12 and 1211.
Price Ranges Full-Color: $150-$225 Ltd-color: $125-$175