“Berlin Industrial Exhibition”

Catalog No. (R68)

Pottery, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.

The 1896 Berlin Industrial Exhibition (Berliner Gewerbe Ausstellung), sometimes dubbed “the impeded world fair”, was in fact larger than any world fair that had preceded it and far more wide-ranging than its name would imply, but from the beginning the undertaking faced opposition from the German government and other interest groups to even the name “World Fair”. Nonetheless, the “Exhibition” took place, spearheaded by the Association of Berlin Merchants and Industrialists (Verein Berliner Kaufleute und Industrieller [VBKI]), and was a huge success, attracting some seven million visitors over its 168-day run.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $100-$150
Ltd-color: $75-$100

AD (R68)
AD (R68)

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