General Tilly

Catalog No. 690

Pottery, relief, 3.0L, pewter lid.
Some examples marked �DRGM 250635�.

�Ein kluger Zecher steckt sich fein den Schl�ssel vom Haus fr�h Morgens ein.�
(A clever drinker pockets the house key early in the morning.)

Johan Tserclaes, Count of Tilly (1559-1632), more popularly known as �General Tilly�, is a frequent subject on Diesinger beer steins. General Tilly was Commander of the Catholic Holy League during the 30 Year�s War against the Protestants, winning several important victories. However fate turned against him in 1632 when he was wounded during a battle with Swedish forces along the Lech River in Germany and died soon afterward in Ingolstadt.

The German patent number DRGM 250635 was awarded to Adolf Diesinger in 1905 for an unusual, though not particularly practical, ceramic hinge (below right) which saw only limited application.

See also Nos. 689 and 731.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $250-$350
Ltd-color: $200-$300

AD 690
AD 690

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