Catalog No. 544
Pottery, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.
�Gru� aus M�nchen�
(Greetings from Munich)
�Die alten Deutschen tranken noch eins ehe sie gingen.�
(The old Germans drank one more before they left.)
�Geliebt, getrunken, gesungen, so wie die Alten die Jungen.�
(Loved, drank, sang, as did the old so do the young.)
Created as the coat-of-arms or archival seal of Munich in 1239, the centrally depicted M�nchner Kindl (Munich Child) has evolved from a hooded monk standing in front of Munich�s gate to a charming child and symbol of the city.
See also Nos. 579 and (R49).
Price Ranges Full-color: $100-$150 Ltd-color: $75-$100