Courting Couple

Catalog No. 516

Pottery, relief, 3.0L, pewter lid.
Exists with music box in base (add 20%).

�Dem Veilchen gleich des im verborchen bl�ht, trink immer viel und gut auch wenn es niemand sieght.�
(As the violet blooms in hiding, so always drink plenty and well, even if no one sees you.)
�Wenn�s Frauchen beim ausgehn predigt, nimm sie mitdann ist�s erledgit.�
(If the wife preaches when you go out, take her with you, then the problem is solved.)

See also Nos. 512, 537, 538, 552 and 565.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $250-$350
Ltd-color: $200-$300

AD 516
AD 516

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