Blacksmith Occupational

Catalog No. 634

Pottery, relief, 0.5L, pewter lid.
Exists with music box in base (add 20%).

“Bismarck tat mit Blut und Eisen, Deutschlands Einheit zuzamenschweisen;
drum von der Memel bis weit über’n Rhein soll er aller Schmiede Vorbild sein.”

(Bismarck acted with blood and iron to weld together Germany’s unity;
therefore, from the Memel to far beyond the Rhine, he should be a model for all blacksmiths.)
“Gott segne des ehrbare Handwerk der Schmiede.”
(God bless the honorable craft of the blacksmith.)

Depicted here as a blacksmith producing a sword, Otto von Bismarck (1815-98) was known as the “Iron Chancellor” and is generally acknowledged as having been the prime mover in unifying the German states under a single ruler (Wilhelm I) and in the rise of Germany as a great European power.

Price Ranges
Full-color: $125-$175
Ltd-color: $100-$150

DB 634
DB 634

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