Germania Crushes the Serpent’s Head Underfoot”

Catalog No. 300

Pottery or stoneware, relief, 0.5L, inlaid lid.

Text (Lid):
“Verächtlich ist die Nation die ihr Alles nicht freudig setzt an die Ehre. Schiller”
(Contemptuous is the nation which doesn’t enthusiastically apply everything for its honor. Schiller)
“Die Juden bilden einen Staat in Staate. Moltke”
(The Jews form a state in a state. Moltke)
“Trau keinem Fuchs auf der Heid und keinem Jud auf seinem Eid. Luther”
(Trust no fox on the meadow and no Jew on his oath. Luther)
“Ein Christ soll u. muß Antisemit sein. Pfarrer J. Decker Wien”
(A Christian should and must be anti-Semitic. Pastor J. Decker Wien)
“Vor Scham würde ich mein Haupt verhüllen wenn ich einen jüd. Richter Red u. Antwort stehen mußte. Bismarck”
(I would hide my head in shame if I had to give an account and answer to a Jewish judge. Bismarck)
Alternative Lid Inlay:
“Der Itzig nimmt den Stab zur Hand und Raiset ins Gelobte Land.”
(Itzig takes the staff in hand and travels to the Promised Land.)
“Hail der koschere Nation”
(Hail the kosher nation)
“Juda ueber alles in der Welt”
(Jews above everything in the world)
“Raus aus Deutschland”
(Get out of Germany)
“Die Gelobte Land”
(The Promised Land)
“Wilkommen im Raich Israel”
(Welcome to the Kingdom of Israel)

The lid inlay on this stein quotes several anti-Semitic statements attributed to late 19th century German notables. An alternative inlay presents a denigrating caricature of a Jewish man hiking to the “Promised Land” with a bag on a stick labeled “1100000”. Around the top band of the stein are five images including “Mammon”, the Biblical personification of wealth or greed, and four additional derogatory caricatures of Jewish males. The central image is divided into two parts, the first showing a German farmer telling a group of Jews to “Get out of Germany” and the second showing them departing for the “Promised Land”, both of which depict Jews in an overtly demeaning manner. A tent-like structure dominating the “Kingdom of Israel” is labeled “Aron Gojimschlächter Wechsel-Bank” (Aron Gentile-Butcher Exchange-Bank).

See also Nos. 67, 98 and 299.

Price Range: $1,600-$2,000

Lid Inlay
Lid Inlay
Alt. Lid Inlay
Alt. Lid Inlay
DB 300
DB 300

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